Storing for the Ages


Protecting Precious Cargo

It’s no secret that popping a bottle open to drink is the best part of growing a cellar. But what happens if you’re taking a little break? Maybe you’ve stocked up with a few cases, or are participating in Dry January. Whatever your reason, let’s keep your wine safe! Here’s some quick tips for storing your wine for the ages.

Where to store it:
Store your wine in a wine fridge until you’re ready to enjoy, or keep your wine in a dark, cool space away from vibrations and temperature fluctuations. The more consistent the environment, the safer your space is for storing your wine. If you live in an apartment, or smaller space, the back of a closet or in cabinet that does not receive sunlight can be a good option. Keeping your bottles in a cardboard box is another layer of protection from light and moisture that can be helpful if you don’t have the resources for a proper cellar.

Where to NOT store it:
On a rack above the stove or fridge and/or in direct sunlight. Wine in these types of locations for long periods of time get too much exposure to heat and direct sunlight, and can begin to degrade, and the flavors will become baked and oxidized. 

How to properly store your bottles:
Store your cork-closed bottles on their side or upside down. If the wine is in contact with the cork, keeping the cork hydrated and sealed tightly in the bottle is vitally important for aging, and drinkability in general. Dry corks, besides the crumbly removal from the bottle, can allow excessive amounts of oxygen in the bottle and prematurely oxidizing your wine.

Which bottles to store:
All of them! Although white and rosé wines are not normally thought to age for decades, storing them correctly may add to their longevity. Store these wines just as you would your Pinot noir and other reds for optimal aging.

Once it’s time to drink:
Dust those glasses off! Literally. The last thing you want for your first sip after a hiatus is something tainting your wine. Give your glasses a quick wash, sip, savor, and enjoy!

One more note:
If you really can’t keep the wine in your home, look into local Wine Storage lockers or facilities that are insured to store your wine for long periods of time.

Adelsheim Vineyard